78 Midnight Howls

Magic, divination and life in one place.

Friday 22 January 2016

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My name is Goran, and I'm a tarot reader, artist and explorer.  I am based in the north part of Croatia. On an edge of a forest, surrounded by nature and wildlife.  Growing up sorounded by nature I would always draw trees, plants and animals.  I took art as something I could create my life around in high school and here I am since then. Tarot came in my life a bit latter. It was after the summer of 2012 that I discovered the world of cards. And fell in love. I've been slinging cards ever since. Not a day goes by that the cards aren't in my hands. That is my life, full of tarot cards, wonder, myst and occasional color spill.  I invite you to partake in my journey and share this wonderous experience!
"No one is more qualified than you at being you and that is all you came here to do."
-Teal Swan
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Comming soon !

Friday 15 January 2016

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5 Personal tarot fundamentals
Hello loves,
There is alot to consider when you decide to do tarot publicly for clients. Most of the things come up with time and as you grow, but there are some things you may want to consider before you start reading. This post is long anyhow so lets just begin.

1. Define what kind of readings you will be doing-  It's important to know yourself as a reader. 
What kind of readings you want to do, and what  readigs you would rather avoid?  
Do you want to do future teling? Or do you want to do more spiritually oriented readings? 
Will you include other card systems in your readings (Oracle cards, Affirmation cards, Lenormand, exc…)? These are all questions you may want to ask yourself if you haven't already. 
Once you know yourself  as a reader you can grow with your cards.

2.  Boundaries-  This ties in with the previous point. Once you have defiend yourself as reader it is up to you if you follow what you have set down to do  or not. If you find yorself in a situation where you are asked to do a reading but you don't feel that the reading would do any good, what will you do? 
If a client who is paying askes you to do a reading that goes against you code of ethic, will you make an exception and read, or will you explain what kind of readings you are doing, and recommend different reader? If a client has an answer he wants to hear, but the cards suggest something else, will you go with what the client wants, or will go with what the cards are saying?

3.  Objectivity- There will be times when you will feel tempted to give suggestions based on your opinion. Tarot reader should show what  possibilities at hand are, and let the person who is getting the reding decide. We can give ponters and tips based on cards. If you are ment to say something you will know it, there will be no other than spilling that truth out, and that is positive.

4.  Preparation- Preparation for  reading is as important as the reading itself. Weather you do simple meditation, grounding, clearing and clensing, exc. Small things can make a great difference. 
If you have something that gets you in the reading mentality make sure you allow yourself to do it before starting reading.

5.  Engage and exchange- Many readers get troubled when it comes to getting paid for readings. 
This is important thing to determine when and if you decide to sell your readings. 
If you decide to give readings for free that is great but what if you are afraid to put a price on your work. Many face that fear, I know I have. You may get asked why you ask for money in exchange for reading, before you explain,  you have to know the answer yourself. Is it for the time you are investing? Or are you saving some extra money for that trip you want to go on? Or is this your full time job?

There is much more you can explore. These are some basics to get you started. If you have any questions post them int he comments or pop over on facebook and send me a message :D

Saturday 9 January 2016

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Tarot spreads vs Free flowing reading

Hello love,  
I'll be honest I love free flowing readings but I can't give up my spreads. I still collect them and adore them. It's such a beautiful form of divination. If you are working with spreads and are just dipping your fingers into the free flow stuff, this is for you.  It can be hard to leave something you are so comfortable with, but as the saying goes ˝Life begins at the end of your comfort zone˝.  That said I want to present to you some things that may rise up when you start doing this work. As with all things you will get better as you practice. 

So let's begin, pull a few cards out on the table. First you may choose to pull just one card at this point I would encourage to you to try pulling two to three cards. 
At the beginning it may be hard to get what each card position  is telling you. At this time you probably already think  that you can't do it or that you can't get the meanings from the cards. 
Don't panic, allow yourself to relax.  
Look at each card individually and see what each is trying to tell you. 
When you are doing this make sure you listen to what you are guided towards. 
If you feel that the card is talking about the past and the card next to it has advice on dealing with that past issue  and the third card talks about how to heal from that  issue in the first card exc. Go with it, these are all clues to help you guide the reading.  If  you are very structured and organized by nature it may come hard and it may take more time to go with the flow and do something unexpected. 
On the other hand if you are free spirit you may have easier time adjusting yourself to free style. What I would say  is the most important thing to remeber is your connection to the cards. 
Having intuitive connection with the cards is amazing anyway but if you are trying to do the free style it could be helpful to explore this area.  When I tried to do  free style readings for the first time I had hard time but I just went from card to card for  meaning, and then tied them together and give a cohesive reading.   I can't give you a ˝HOW TO˝ guide for this beacuse there isn't one, this is a free flowing process personal to each indiidual. Things like pathworking, meditation, crystals exc.  may help. Do you! Use things that you know work for you. It takes practice and patience and remember that we are all different and everyone will have different approach and everyone will  learn it differently. Free style readings may or may not be you cup of tea, and if they are not you don't have to worry there is much more you can explore and return to this topic later.  

Much love xoxo